BURTU TĀFELE – alternatīva komunikācijas metode nerunājošiem cilvēkiem
Tiek lēsts, ka ap 30-50% no cilvēkiem ar autiskā spektra traucējumiem (turpmāk tekstā AST) ir nerunājoši. Citos avotos minēts, ka tie ir 31 miljoni cilvēku visā pasaulē. Burtu tāfeles alternatīvā komunikācijas metode nerunājošiem cilvēkiem ar AST aizsākās gadu...
BURTU TĀFELE – video ar pirmo studenti Latvijā
Summer 2023 Charity Networking at the Embassy of Latvia in London raises €14K
The Embassy of Latvia in London hosted our summer 2023 charity networking event. We raised money towards 4 important projects: https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/giving-for-latvia-summer-2023-fundraiser - distributing books on modern parenting methods to...
Supporting the only food bank in Latvia during Covid
Covid-19 is hitting the poor hardest. Families with children in Latvia are in urgent need of your support for daily meals. - 74% of Latvians have savings that amount to 1 month's salary or less- Covid lockdown has stopped many...

Charity cookbook and matching donations add up to £11K in donations
What does a charity do when during Covid restrictions it cannot arrange the annual charity networking drinks/BBQ/ball and fundraise? It adapts in every possible way it can. There is first time for everything - in that spirit at the end of 2020 we approached our long...

Modern parenting methods book #2 distributed to 75 charities
Second book to build up the libraries of 75 children's and parent's charities in Latvia with books in Latvian on modern parenting techniques has been distributed - 500 copies of another book in the series of Dr Montgomery Brinumu laiks were given away free of charge...

10th Anniversary Celebration on 1st Nov 2019
Lots of honey cake (meduskūka), singing Sveiks lai dzīvo, clapping to cheer volunteering of all shapes and forms, generous donations at auction and towards pledges, old friends networking with new supporters - a grand way to celebrate 10 years of caring and sharing....
£2,560 raised during Charity Networking Drinks & BBQ
Thanks Gunta, Andy and Hunter 🐕 for hosting the fantastic charity networking drinks & BBQ.Thanks everyone for joining and making it so easy to fundraise. #ziedotirviegli#ziedotirjautri#ziedotirgardi

Making modern parenting books in Latvian more accessible
We have been supporting children's crisis centres with grants and donations in kind for a decade now. But we feel that to some extent we have merely been mitigating the consequences, not the causes of the problem, why over 1,000 children in Latvia every year end up in...

Pioneer corporate donor helps to raise record £10,000 during charity networking drinks
Giving for Latvia family welcomed the spring with fantastic charity networking evening. Guests from 3 countries were treated with beautiful view of the London Eye and Latvian style snacks (think rye bread, lard, horseradish). Our...

First Charity Simul Chess with Grandmaster in London
Dana Reizniece-Ozola 14 : London 1 3 hours of steam, sighs and laughter resulted in beautiful £435 raised during the 1st charity simultaneous chess exhibition with Grandmaster at the London Latvian House. We are consulting with the Latvian Welfare Fund, London...

Centenary Charity Drinks to mark #LV100
How best to celebrate centenary of a country? Our volunteers insisted - with charity drinks. Networking + drinks reception + a bit of charity was a fantastic way to mark Latvia’s centenary. Over £3,500 were raised for 5 charity pledges in celebration of the...

Donate your birthday to charity via Facebook
Facebook has verified our charity status and you can now donate your birthday to @GivingforLatvia Asking your friends to celebrate your birthday by donating to charity instead of giving you physical present is easy: 1) on your own Facebook user dropdown menu you will...

Joining spontaneous Riga half-marathon by Running1000Plus
The map of locations where volunteer fundraisers have run marathon to raise awareness and donations for Giving for Latvia has been expanding. Riga was added to our marathon map, thanks to founder of Running1000Plus Will from France and his spontaneous...

Record £7,300 raised at 2018 London Charity Ball
With world class sports personalities supporting our charity auction - Jeļena Ostapenko signed tennis ball and ice hockey stick of the Captain of the Latvian Ice Hockey Team Roberts Bukarts (auctioned in the heat of World Ice Hockey Championship) with autographs of...

The story of 1,000 coats
Thanks so much Hands on London for donating 1,000 surplus children's coats! We appreciate support of Diamond Transport Solutions and Daugavas Vanagu Fonds Lielbritānijā with transportation of the donation to Latvia. We are grateful to Latvijas bernu fonds for...
£5,000 raised during 2017 Charity Ball and Auction
Thanks to all the guests and donors for making fundraising such fun! We now know the price for Latvian Ice Hockey jersey with signatures of 24 of the players. We have established how much the double of the gift that the Embassy of Latvia in UK...
Tough Mudder fundraiser vs post-natal depression
Tough Mudder is a challenge for particularly tough cookies and Iveta Parravani is certainly one inspirational and resilient Latvian. Iveta was diagnosed with severe post-natal depression & post-traumatic stress disorder after the birth of her first...
Ambassador running + you donating = support to children’s crisis centres in Latvia
What made the London Marathon of 2016 special? His excellency Ambassador of Latvia Andris Teikmanis was fundraising for GfL by running there! £2,300 have been raised, thanks to 45 donors from UK, Switzerland, Canada and USA. Your last year's donations helped to...
Postcards to donors in over a dozen of countries
A typical donor does not await a "thank you" for his donation, but Giving for Latvia fundraisers have been sending very personal greetings to their supporters via most amazing postcards from across the world: - Faroe Islands postcard from Alex and Pavel Prokofjevs...
Milestones to be proud of
Given the size of donations we now attract annually, during 2015 we got officially registered as a charity with the UK Charity Commission. The total amount of financial grants distributed by GfL since inception now aggregates to over £25K. Almost 5 tonnes of donations...
Pioneer fundraiser raises £3,400 in Norway marathon
Hip, hip, hurray to our pioneer fundraiser! Alex Prokofjevs grew up in Kraslava and has been living and working in London for a while. End of June he went to Midnight Sun Marathon in the Norwegian town of Tromso, the city located in the polar circle (where sun...
London 2015 charity ball and auction raise £4,500
The Annual Charity Ball and Auction in London have turned into a tradition that "Giving for Latvia" volunteers hope to uphold for many years to come. The latest event held in May 2015 raised a solid £4,500 towards the children’s and young mother’s crisis centres...
New volunteering scheme – distance translators
Crisis centres in Latvia utilise various ways to raise money, including applying for various EU grants (up to EUR 50,000 per grant that can be spent to buy furniture and educate staff, etc.). Such funding applications need to be submitted in English and subsequent...
London 2014 charity auction and ball raise £3,700
The Annual Charity Ball and distance bidding auction organized by “Giving for Latvia” in London on 9th of May has raised an aggregate of £3,700 towards children's and young mother's crisis centres in Latvia. The event attended by the Ambassador of Latvia in UK Mr....
Registering Giving for Latvia as a charity
A quick update on our recent focus of registering Giving for Latvia as an official U.K. charity. Tasks completed: - small charity constitution passed - community account opened - HMRC reference (EW07948) received. Our new official status as charity allows us and our...
Thanks to ex-Ambassador for his support
Latvian Embassy to the U.K. has been great supporter of Giving for Latvia since the very inception of our organization. When at the end of April 2013 H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia Mr Eduards Stiprais hosted his farewell reception in London, the least we...
Your fundraisers / donations - Facebook birthday fundraiser can be created here: www.Facebook.com/fund/givingforlatvia - People's Fundraising for one off / regular monthly donations and for volunteer fundraisers:...
Q: How can I be sure of the efficiency of use of funds and that my money/donation does not get in wrong hands? A: We are in direct contact with each one of the crisis centres and closely monitor the distribution. Distribution of donated funds: - Once the...
2023 May - €14 000 raised during Charity networking event at the Embassy of Latvia in London https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/latvija/25.05.2023-labdaribas-pasakuma-latviesi-lielbritanija-saziedo-14-000-eiro-projektiem-latvija.a510175/ 2020 Dec - Charity...
Good stories
2023 March - bed and breakfast for the director of special needs school visiting UK for an internship The director of school for special needs kids had an opportunity to do an internship in the UK as part of her work towards mastering the letterboard alternative...
2020 / 21
Monetary donations: Received and used for grants:- Fundraising by Latvians working at EBRD raising funds for food bank Paedusai Latvijai as part of EBRD Community Initiative (donations matched)- Charity cookbook to raise for Paedusai Latvijai, Dr...
2019 / 20
Monetary donations: Received and used for grants: - Fundraising by Latvians working at EBRD raising funds for Iespejama Misija as part of EBRD Community Initiative (donations matched) - Facebook fundraiser towards book on abusers Why does he do it?...
2018 / 19
Monetary donations: Received and earmarked for grants: - £7,300 raised during the 2018 Charity Ball and Auction, including £400 earmarked for Social enterprise Visi Var (Everyone Can) as launched by Ceribu Sparni (Wings of Hope) and £560 earmarked...
2017 / 18
Monetary donations: Received and earmarked for grants: - £5,112 carried forward from previous financial year - £5,000 raised during the 2017 Charity Ball and Auction, including £500 earmarked for children's hospice POGA launched by ziedot.lv – £720...
2016 / 17
Monetary donations: Received and earmarked for grants: - £2,298 (including £565 carried forward from 2015/16 FY) raised by ex-Ambassador of Latvia to UK Andris Teikmanis - £3,086 raised by brothers Prokofjevs with 1/3 of donations...
2015 / 16
Monetary donations: Received and used for grants: - £894 carried forward from 2014/15 FY. - £4,500 raised during annual London charity auction and ball - £3,397 raised by our pioneer fundraiser via myDonate - £676 additional online donations See below for usage of...
2014 / 15
Monetary donations: Received and used for grants: - £127.62 carried forward from 2013. - £3,700 raised during May 2014 London charity auction and ball. - other donations See below table for details of usage - £915 worth (see "SOS Zinotajs 2014/2" page 14)...
2013 / 14
Monetary donations £127.62 were donated by P. and R. Grencis in 2013. The donation is earmarked to a particular crisis centre. Decision has been taken to keep this amount with the charity until further more substantial donations are accumulated. Donations in...
2011 / 12
Monetary donations £2,008 were raised during our 2011 Christmas charity evening. Latvian musicians who contributed to the evening’s success: - Nelda Kuzuma from band Krona - Reinis Zarinnss Latvian artists who donated works for charity auction: - Natalie Richy - Laima...
2010 / 11
Monetary donations £5,623 were raised during our 2010 Christmas charity dinner. Latvian musicians who contributed to the evening’s success: - Ladybird Latvian artists who donated works for our very first charity auction: - Kristine Luize Avotina - Martins Pakalnins...
2009 / 10
Monetary donations £3,090 were raised during our first annual Christmas charity dinner in 2009. Latvian musicians who contributed to the evening’s success: - Nelda Kuzuma from band Krona - Ladybird The funds were used to buy various goods for 8 Latvian children crisis...
Your Support
Monetary donations - Raise funds by donating your birthday to us via Facebook via People's Fundraising site - Donate online with card People's Fundraising website Charities Aid Foundation website CharitiesTrust website . When on these sites, do...
About Us
Established in 2009 by a group of young Latvian professionals working in London, aim of Giving for Latvia is to provide aid to the children and parents in Latvia who have suffered from emotional and physical abuse, and to those disadvantaged by age, disability,...
Latvian Charities
Children's Crisis Centres are government or local council sponsored units, where children that have suffered from emotional and physical, including sexual, abuse, can live for several weeks before their future is decided - to return to their parents or to join one of...
Thanks from the children
Riga School for Children with Special Needs thank you video [local /wp-content/uploads/2012/03/mikroskops.5.wmv nolink] Crisis Centres Children’s paintings
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